Make the most out of working from home

COVID-19 has impacted the way the world used to work. Companies are adapting to new working cultures to make sure that their employees can safely work and earn in such a condition. While some organizations have divided the workload in shifts or shut their operations for a while, technological organizations are blessed to be able to work from home. There are different effects of work from the home approach that will be covered in this post along with some Do’s for better productivity, health, and work-life balance.

Work from home impacts:

Work from home could have many positive impacts as well that may include:

  • No time needed for commutation and hence more time to work
  • Quicker lunch or tea breaks
  • A comfortable environment where can find all the necessities needed
  • Availability of extra time that can be utilized for work or explorations
  • Family members to support you get through the day

There are some benefits to working from home. However, working from home can have a number of disadvantages if not performed in a proper manner. Here is a list of some disadvantages that may need special attention:

  • Distractions are the biggest issue when working from home as not all the members of the family would be busy in your working hours. Their activities and availability of leisure items can distract those who are working from home.
  • Some may experience communication gaps at the beginning as they are working from home as their coworkers, seniors, or managers may not be available on call when needed. It may also result in poor coordination in projects.
  • Professional infrastructure is one thing that is missing when working for home. High-speed internet, IT support, office desk, ergonomic chairs, and the noise-free environment is what makes offices productive.
  • Time wastage on getting the job done because of the communication gap, distractions, or unorganized activities.

Working from home may seem hard at the beginning however there are certain Do’s Don’ts that make it a lot easier and one might end up being more productive than the office!

Do it right!

  1. Follow a routine: Working from home doesn’t mean that one should work at any time they would want to. The whole team should work at the same defined time to make sure that dependencies are fulfilled and team members are available to support each other. Apart from that, a routine is essential to be habituated and comfortable working from home. Routine will also help to set an ecosystem and mindset within team members and family members.
  2. Proper communication & Engagement: Communication is a vital aspect here as one may not be able to communicate at any time they like. The manager, a senior, or a subordinate may already be in a meeting or occupied with something so calling them directly may not work either. The best way to streamline communication is to have regular minutes of meeting within the team. Such synchronization meetings could be arranged twice a day or daily. Weekly meetings can be scheduled among different departments and teams.
  3. Neat and ergonomic workspace: Working from home doesn’t mean working on the same bed where one sleeps or enjoys leisure as such arrangements can never offer a focused mindset. A clean desk with an ergonomic chair for comfortable positioning can increase productivity and one can feel the same energy throughout the day.
  4. Quick active breaks: The best part about work from home is that one can be free of formal attire or limitations implied in the working environment. It is recommended to take a few breaks of 5-10 minutes where one can just take a deep breath, walk around, stretch yourself, chat with family, and restore their mindfulness. However, there has to be a measure upon such breaks otherwise they can disrupt the routine. 
  5. The right use of productivity tools: Working from home will really reflect how well organized a person is. There will not be anyone watching the work that’s been done and no one is going to verify if all of the jobs are done by the end of the day. One should use apps like Calendar to schedule activities or meetings, To-Do lists to list out all the activities so to make sure none are missed, use of sticky notes to note down essential points, use project management tools for complete synchronization, and use an app that can monitor how much time is spent on which activities.
  6. Being physically active: Working from home can be an unhealthy culture and one may end up sitting or sleeping throughout the day. Some yoga, workout, meditation before or after work is very important for health, now more than ever. Exercising regularly will boost immunity and there are scientific proofs that it results in great success at work as well.
  7. Focused mindful work: More time to work doesn’t necessarily mean more productivity. At home one can have numerous distractions as the person may find it hard to juggle with both the responsibilities of work and home. Staying away from the distraction on the neat desk focusing on the task at hand might help you become more productive than ever!

Lastly, this can hopefully be a once in a lifetime experience under these circumstances. Focusing on work might be a great idea to get through these tough times. What’s important is that the one enjoys this time with family and stays connected to friends so as to build an ecosystem where people do not feel alone or locked up. Stay safe.

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